Union Progress Meetings


Union Progress Meetings

Union Progress Meetings, or UPMs, are the Union's new meeting format, allowing you and your societies to directly participate in the SU's activities, projects and campaigns. These meetings have replaced the old Council meetings the Union held monthly.

Similarly to the former Council meetings, each monthly meeting must be attended by at least one representative from every society. In addition, UPMs will also be attended by all of exec, and are open to all students to attend, speak and vote. UPMs have a shared agenda between all participants, dealing with:

  • Reports from all Union Executive Zones (Union Events, Union Affairs, Student Activities and Student Advocacy);
  • Updates from other Union meetings, e.g. Senate, with an opportunity to discuss pressing issues;
  • New society presentations and existing society managment;
  • Discussion of the Union's upcoming projects and ways to participate;
  • Any other Union business.

Agendas and minutes for these meetings will be available here, along with a calendar of upcoming UPMs.

Next Union Progress Meeting: Tuesday 24th August, 6pm, MHLT (Teams link tbc)