This Week/Next Week

Have you ever wanted to know what your SU Sabbatical Officers do on a week to week basis? Do you want to know about the steps we take to secure the best for your George's experience and the way we take your feedback forward? This is the place to come each week so see what we've been doing throughout the week and what we plan to get done the week after. This allows you to be involved in stuff that's happening right now in your SU and to hold us to account for the things we say we're getting done.

This Week/Next Week Issue 3 (21/03/2014)

This Week (17th-21st March) we have:

  1. Student Experience Project: We have re-opened the Student Experience Project until Monday 12th May 2014. So if you want to earn some money and make a difference to George's, make sure to apply! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mo at
  2. Library Refurb: Mo and I have been working with the library staff, Estates and SU Senate to finalise the Library Phase 3 refurbishment project. On Monday we visited different furniture stores to make sure we create the correct dynamic that student want.
  3. Exec Meeting: We had our Exec meeting on Tuesday and discussed a whole of topics, including upcoming SU Elections!!! Watch this space!
  4. Meetings: We've attended many meetings inlcuding the Open MBBs committee meeting (that all MBBs students can attend), student communication meetings and meetings abotu moving from convergence to Microfot. If you want to find out more feel free to contact either myself or Mo.
  5. Tom has been doing lots of things financial following the SU Trustee Board meeting, including the back log of expense forms. He's also been managing the minibus situation as one is currently out of use.

Next week (24th-28th March) we will:

  1. We will be meeting with Kingston University Student Union (KUSU) on Thursday to see how we can better support our Joint faculy students and keep them involved on both campuses.
  2. Summer Ball is coming!!! We're visitng our hopeful venue (which is lush btw) and will be advertising soon. The summer ball committee is being formed as we speak.
  3. Wellbeing week (6th-9th May) is happening and it is going to be fabulous! Look out for lots of freebies and activities which will help you promote your own wellbeing. If you want to get involved; whether it be a sports buddy or man a stand at our Well Fayre please contact me :D

Wishing you all a lovely easter holiday. Check your email and FB to keep updated on ongoing and upcoming events!


Johni Ada
3:19am on 4 Oct 14 <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=" "></a> <a href=" "> </a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""> </a> <a href=""> Toko Komputer </a> <a href="">Jasa SEO Murah </a> <a href="">homestay di jogja</a> <a href=""></a> <a href="">Kursus SEO </a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""> pegawai tadbir diplomatik m41 </a>
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