SGUL Marrow

SGUL Marrow

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Welcome to Marrow

Marrow is a voluntary student organisation that works with Anthony Nolan to recruit potential donors onto the stem cell register. We organise donor recruitment clinics here at St George's and also raise charitable funds to run the events and support the charity.

The donor recruitment clinics are entirely student run, and provide advice and counselling to potential donors as well as taking cheek swaps. Students make some of the best donors as they are young, fit and healthy! Hopefully through these clinics we can link potential donors with people who desperately need a stem cell transplant.

Thank you to all our sponsors who donated prizes to our recent fundraising raffle, including

Come and join us!

To increase the chances of finding a lifesaving match for a patient, we need more people on the register so come along to one of our clinics and see how you can help. We welcome new members so check out our social media pages for more information on how to join us. We look forward to meeting you!

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