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Welcome to Space

Student Parents and Carers Empowered (SPACE) are a group students dedicated to supporting all student parents and carers throughout their studies at St George’s. We are run by student volunteers who fully understand the fabulous and not-so-fabulous aspects of caring for a family whilst at university.

We're here to help each other make the most of our time at St George’s whilst also caring for our families. We aim to offer a support network of students juggling similar responsibilities and are here to listen, share advice and provide advocacy for student parents and carers. We’re also here to provide socialising opportunities! As well as regular meet-ups in Tooting, we also host a couple of family-friendly events each year.

Behind the scenes, we meet regularly with the students' union and the university to address any issues that have been raised by our members, and to ensure St George's remains a university supportive and inclusive of all its student body. Where you are having difficulties, including those you would like to resolve with the university directly, it is often helpful to notify us so that we are aware of any barriers parents and carers are currently facing, and we can address these matters formally to ensure appropriate systemic changes are being made. Please email us if you have any questions.



Last year we worked closely with Annabel Strachan, VP Education & Welfare 2018/2019 to achieve ID card access for the welfare room. This was a massive achievement, as previously users had to obtain the key from the SU office or security which wasn't always ideal, especially if time was limited.


Come and join us!

All students at St George’s are welcome to join; whether you’re a parent, expecting a baby, or thinking of having children during your course. We also welcome anyone balancing other carer responsibilities with their studies. Membership is completely free of charge. Members will receive an invite to all SPACE meetings and events and will also be eligible to vote on all SPACE matters. As a member you will be given access to our private Facebook group, where you can message other members and alumni.


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