Clinical Neuroscience Society

Clinical Neuroscience Society

Welcome to Clinical Neuroscience Society (CNS)

We are the society centred around all things neuro. From neurophysiology and neuroanatomy to neurology and neurosurgery, we aim to be inclusive of all interests no matter how niche.
This year we have lots of new and exciting events lined up for you all. Starting October 7th, we will be hosting an in-person ‘Welcome to Neuro Soc’ event (with free pizza and prizes to be won!) and this is just the beginning of what is to come. Revision sessions, journal clubs and careers talks just scratch the surface of what we have planned.
In addition to all the events we have planned, we will be releasing ‘The NeuroTransmission’ our newsletter twice a semester. In each edition you will find the latest neurology/neuroscience breakthroughs summarised into bite size chunks by our committee and society members. You will have to keep an eye out for free exam questions and memes that we sneak in!
Follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with the society!
Subscriptions are £3 for the entire year! This will cover admission to all our events and the newsletter. We hope to see you soon!





SU Events