SGUL Language Society

SGUL Language Society

  • Join

    • SGUL Language Society Standard Membership£0.00
    • Society Membership (per semester)£10.00

Welcome to the Language Society


We are a vibrant, international community of language learners passionate about educating and assisting the George’s community in their language learning journey.

We offer weekly small-group modern language sessions in French, Spanish, Tamil, Arabic, Hindi, German, Korean and BSL for an hour each. We are supported by our wonderful student language teachers who volunteer their free time to teach students in a small group setting. We design our sessions to cater to every level - from the very beginning or if you simply want to practice your conversation skills. Our main focus is to build your confidence speaking the languages you wish to learn and learn colloquial phrases to use while travelling! Our language teaching sessions are free except for any special events which have separate costs, and we also provide you with a certificate at the end of the course.

Come and join us!

Join us every Monday in rooms H2.3&4 (opposite the 2nd floor Pret) at 6pm!

Follow us on Instagram and join our WhatsApp chat to keep up to date with the weekly sessions and any upcoming language society social events! Please do feel free to contact us directly if you would like to teach or if you have any questions!

We hope to see you there!


SU Events