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Welcome to SGUL's Intersectional Feminism Society!


At IFemSoc we believe that intersectionality is a core principle in any feminist narrative because it recognises the challenges that individuals face based on gender, race, sexuality, disability, faith, and many other facets of our identity. That is why we welcome anyone at St George’s to our events. Our events range from discussions, talks, panels, film screenings, socials, awareness campaigns, and fundraisers. The point of these events is to bring light to important issues in today’s society that affect all of us.

We intend to pack this year full of exciting events so come over to our stall during the Freshers' Fayre and find out what we’re about, and learn about the charities we hope to work with this year.

Join our Facebook group to share your thoughts, experiences, and any interesting articles that you find online. We are open to any new ideas, so drop us an email if you have an idea for an interesting campaign or event. Keep an eye out for info about our Meet and Greet social and other events during freshers'. It is a great chance to meet us, share ideas and just chill out!

View our latest tinyletter 'Time of the Month' which features stories, snippets of feminist news and day to day struggles: enjoy!

Until then, big love,
IFemSoc Committee



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