Bengali Society

Bengali Society

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    • Bengali Society Standard Membership£4.00

Welcome to Bengali Society

SGUL Bengali Society (BSOC) embraces the wonders of Bengali culture right here on campus. Throughout the year we hope to hold events to show fellow students and staff what the Bengali culture is all about from the delicious Bengali cuisine, to the beautiful attire and vibrant festivities and celebrations.  We have a lot of amazing events planned for the year ahead and hope for you to join us!


Achievements in 2018/2019

Last academic year BSOC held 19 extremely successful and memorable events. Hosted by an amazing committee we were able to portray Bengali culture in the best of ways which helped to develop an understanding of what it is to be Bengali! In addition BSOC collaborated with other SU societies in sporting events such as the intersociety football and rounders tournaments.

Our famous Bangladeshi food day was a particular highlight where students and staff were able to taste some delicious traditional Bengali food. We also organised social events such as ice skating and a memorable hike to the Peak District!

SGUL BSOC is the first society on campus to start an outreach project which enables us to help the wider community. BSOC has become very well known by students here at St George’s and we hope to carry on the successes through to the next academic year!


Come and join us!

We'd love to see you at one of our events so check out our social media pages for more information.



SU Events