Medics 4 Rare Diseases

Medics 4 Rare Diseases

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Welcome to Medics 4 Rare Diseases


“When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras”, “Common things are common”

Does this rhetoric sound all too familiar? That’s because our curriculum often neglects the rare diseases which affect an estimated 1 in 17 people. The effects of this lack of teaching accompany us into practise, where patients with rare diseases often feel unseen and unheard. Medics 4 Rare Diseases (M4RD) is a registered charity with societies currently operating at several London universities. The aim of M4RD is to raise awareness about rare diseases and counteract the effects of the lack of teaching on rare diseases in our curriculum. We are a group of medics at St George’s hoping to empower our students to make a difference in the lives of patients affected by rare diseasess, alongside enhancing our own knowledge.

M4RD facilitate events centring around raising awareness, educating medics on the stuff they don’t teach you and giving you first hand insights from the patients themselves. Additional opportunities provided by the charity include:

  • Essay competitions with prizes to be won
  • Conferences with expert speakers from around the world
  • Opportunities to present and get published
  • Form direct links with patients and their support group

Email us for more information about Medics 4 Rare diseases and our upcoming events.

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