SGUL Literature Society

SGUL Literature Society

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Welcome to the SGUL Literature Society

The SGUL Literature Society is a place for everyone with an interest in all forms of literature, from books and poetry to comics and more!

As a healthcare university, we sometimes neglect the arts and other things creative, therefore we believe that it’s important for us to have a space to explore books inside and outside the science and healthcare sphere. At LitSoc we aim to cultivate a friendly community to appreciate and enjoy the wonderful world of fiction and the written arts. We also recognise the perils of uni work, including help and advice for scientific essay writing, as well as note taking and providing openly accessible study materials- tackling the more literary side of revision!

Our regular events include monthly Book Clubs where we discuss a chosen novel (which may or may not be holiday themed, depending on the season) and Writing Prompts which we release every month, featuring our favourite writers on our socials! We also host exclusive talks on academic survival, move nights, quizzes, intersoc collabs and other events we can't wait to have you be a part of!

We host regular:
o    Monthly Book Clubs, lasting one hour on the first or second Friday afternoon of the month
o    Presentations/talks every other month
o    Writing Prompts: a monthly event, anyone can participate during the month until we release our featured writer for the prompt

Absolutely anyone can join, and we encourage anyone, literary aficionado or not, to come along to our events and join our vibrant community. Check out our social media pages for updates and news about events.



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