Aviation and Space Medicine Society

Aviation and Space Medicine Society

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Welcome to St George's Aviation and Space Medicine Society


At the St George’s Aviation and Space Medicine Society we provide specialist clinical knowledge of aviation and space medicine, through lectures, forums and tutorials.

These are excellent opportunities for students to find projects at university and beyond in aviation and space medicine organisations, both at a national and international level. By doing so we hope to establish St George’s as an institution with students represented throughout the educational opportunities currently available in this rapidly evolving field.

We are currently forging relationships with leaders in the field from ESA, UCL CASE (Center for Altitude, Space, and Exploration Medicine), NASA, ESA, RAF, Royal Aeronautical Society. These and more have committed interest, and intent for serious involvement.

We will be hosting events both at SGUL, and aviation and space organisation locations, providing training and exposure by experts in the field to the unique physiological and clinical implications of aerospace medicine, and introduction to the breadth of knowledge and investigation both locally and internationally being undertaken in the furthering of our understanding of clinical physiology, and medical conditions under the conditions of aviation and spaceflight.




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