Occupational Therapy Society

Occupational Therapy Society

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    • OCTSoc annual membership£3.00

Welcome to SGUL OTSoc


The St George’s University London Occupational Therapy Society (OTSoc) is led by our OT students and is for anyone studying occupational therapy or for those interested in OT. Our purpose is to promote and increase the awareness of all things OT, its ethos to the profession and role in society today. Each academic year brings new challenges for OT students at SGUL, so being part of a society that will support you in making the journey more exciting and manageable will be a bonus.

The OT Society aim to:

•    Create a fun, friendly environment and opportunities for our students to learn about the profession, where you can meet fellow students, make new friends between cohorts, network with other healthcare professionals and offer opportunities for interprofessional learning

 •    Organise social and fundraising events with other OT societies and PhysioSoc throughout the year and work with suitable charities

 •    Organise professional development events, CPD opportunities and workshops from external speakers, lecturers, service users, practitioners and other   multidisciplinary team professionals

 •    Build positive partnerships between our OT students and the Royal College of Occupational Therapy (RCOT)

 •    Create a communication platform for OT students and academic departments

 •    Coordinate conference, activity site and academic trips

•     Celebrate OT week

•    Create links with other universities offering Occupational Therapy courses and their OT societies

•    All events organised by the society are available for everyone to attend (non-members may pay a small fee)


Come and join us?

We're really keen to get new students involved with the society's activities and would love to hear from you if you have any ideas for events of fundraising opportunities. Email us for more details. We're looking forward to meeting you!


SU Events