Indian Society

Indian Society

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Welcome to the SGUL Indian Society


The SGUL Indian Society is an active, well-connected society that focuses on sharing and celebrating the multitude of cultures of our country. From festival celebrations to inter-university night outs, we want our members to enjoy a range of experiences and feel well supported in the George’s community. Some of our highlights include:  freshers meet and greet, inter-society sports matches and the annual chaat sale that raises donations for our chosen charity for the year. Also alongside the University family system, we have our own Mums and Dads so that each new member can get valuable advice and a direct access to guidance.


We believe it is important to maintain connections outside of our tightknit George’s community, so we have several opportunities to build your network. The British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) are our official external sponsors who host several events throughout the year including the annual conference where many of our society members volunteer. Additionally, we have a dance troupe set up for competitions and various opportunities such as the national Just Bollywood competition. Lastly, our most popular event is the regular inter-University clubbing night MASTI. 

Some of our newest events include our regular games and curry nights, educational events/resources for exam preparation, as well as inter-society scavenger hunts and sports day! Although these events were more feasible earlier in the year, we are aware that with the current COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing it is going to be more difficult to host similar events. However, we want our incoming freshers to know that the committee is dedicated to hosting similar events to keep to a similar University experience. We will adapt our events to fit the guidelines so you don’t miss out!


Follow our social media pages to keep up to date with society events, we're looking forward to meeting you!



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