
On occasion, when petitioned to by the student body, the SU will hold a referendum on a proposed motion. Referenda are ballots in which all Members of the Union are entitled to cast a vote; these referenda can steer Union policy, and are often used to express support for a particular cause. Once passed by a referendum, the SU has a clear mandate from the student body to campaign for said cause as a unified entity, rather than leaving individual students, societies or other groups to campaign.

Below is a summary of any ongoing referenda. Attached to these you can find motions (the proposals being voted on), along with links to vote when they are open.

If you have any questions about referenda, including participating in any ongoing referenda or finding out about starting a referendum, please contact the SU President, Eoin Jardine, at

There are no referenda running at the present time.

At the time of closing (5pm, 9/03/21), the above referendum did not have the required number of votes to be considered quorate. As a result, the motion was not carried and the Union's position remains neutral on the subject.