October the 31st of 2017


A message from Media Officers

Hello George's! Hope you all had a fantastic week and got to dress up in your spookiest costumes for Halloween. 
Below you will find all the new activities and events happening at Georges so give it a read!

If you have any ideas or would like to contribute, please let us know at sucommunications@sgul.ac.uk


On This Week

SGSU Autumn Elections 2017

- Representation Officers
- Year Representatives 
- NUS Delegates

CAMPAIGNS WEEK - 30th - 3rd November
VOTING WEEK - 6th - 10th November 
RESULTS!!! - 10th November


See the Elections pack for more details, or visit sgsu.org.uk

Notices from your Exec

Events happening at George's

Athena Swan

1) Dr Rosena Allin-Khan MP talk on Thursday 2nd November 12-1pm in SU bar. Free entry and everyone is welcome!


2) Careers seminar - 21st november

Join Athena SWAN for our third event of the year on 21st November 6:30pm in the Board Rooms. We have four fantastic women coming to talk about their lives and careers and to offer us advice and guidance. Our guests are: Professor Laura Serrant – Professor of nursing at Sheffield Hallam University, Dr Sarah Vince – A&E Consultant, Professor Nicola Phillips – Professor of Physiotherapy at Cardiff University and Ms George Lee – Designer and co-founder of Age of No Retirement.

Entry will be £2 or purchase your yearly membership for £3 which allows entry to all other events. We will be providing snacks, Franco Manca Pizza and drinks including wine

Jenner Symposium and Lecture

All members of staff and students are invited to attend the Jenner Symposium and Lecture on Wednesday 1 November. The agenda for the day is as follows:

12pm - Registration/lunch: Hyde Park Room, Level 1, Lanesborough Wing

1pm - Jenner Symposium: Michael Heron Lecture Theatre

Professor Paul Lehner, University of Cambridge: Silencing incoming lentiviruses - identification of HUSH, a novel epigenetic repressor complex
Dr Tihana Bicanic, St George's: Fungal and host factors affecting the clinical course of human cryptococcal meningitis
Dr Henry Staines, St George's: The ins and outs of solute transport in malarial parasites
Professor Andrea Cooper, University of Leicester: T cells and TB: Friends or Foes?
Dr Tim Bull, St George's: Growth enhancers for pathogenic mycobacteria


5pm -The 2017 Jenner Lecture 
Professor Sharon Peacock, LSHTM/Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute: Are bacterial pathogens isolated from animals a common cause of drug resistant infection in humans

6pm - The Jenner Reception, held in the Hyde Park Room

For further information, a copy of the full programme, or to register, please contact Vivienne Marvell (vmarvell@sgul.ac.uk)


And Then There Were None


Joins us for a night of mystery and murder in Monckton Lecture Theatre at 7pm on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th November, with tickets available online from the SGSU website, from the SU shop and on the door for just £6 for students and £7 for non-students!

Mindful Creativity Workshop and Research Study



GP Grand Round

EVENT: GP Grand Round- Genetics Masterclass. Tuesday 7 November 12:30-13:30, Lecture Theatre A 
Following the success of our GP Grand Round series last year, we are delighted to announce the first Grand Roundfor the current academic year. Our speakers will be:
Dr Imran Rafi, Senior Lecturer at SGUL, GP in Surrey, Chair of RCGP Clinical Innovation and Research Centre, Msc Medical Genomics.
Dr Ban Haider, Senior Teaching Fellow at SGUL, GP in Wandsworth, BSc Human Genetics.
They will be presenting interesting genetics cases, with a Masterclass in General Practice Genetics. Modern genetics is revolutionising medicine, and this event will be an excellent opportunity to learn more, as well as find out about General Practice careers. 

Human trafficking survey 

My name is Sohani Dassanayake and I am a medical student who is currently doing a Medical Ethics, Law. And Humanities research project as part of my iBSc. 

My project is focused on the topic of human trafficking and I am interested in researching what healthcare professionals can do to help the victims if trafficking.


Human trafficking is both a global and local problem, and healthcare professionals working in the UK are likely to meet people who have been trafficked at some point during their careers. They are also well placed to support people who have been trafficked.

I am seeking the views of medical students, doctors and nurses because I wish to learn more about their knowledge of human trafficking. This will help me to analyse the problems posed by human trafficking and help me to explore strategies that might enable healthcare professionals to better support people who have been trafficked. 


The following survey should take no longer than about 5 minutes to complete. You are not in any way obliged to take part in this research. The data collected in the survey will be anonymised and all information will be kept confidential.




If you have any questions about the survey please contact my supervisor, Dr. Carwyn Rhys Hooper, by email: chooper@sgul.ac.uk


Medical Days For Year 10s

From January to May 2018, we are arranging Medical Days for Year 10s who are interested in careers in Medicine. They take place on Wednesday afternoons and are hosted by local Colleges across Greater London. The Year 10s are accompanied by their teachers or parents. 

We are seeking to recruit a team of medical students who will lead practical, medical-related activities with mixed-school teams of Year 10s. Students will be paid £60 per event plus £5 for travel expenses. 

If you are interested, please email me your cv by Wednesday 8th November 2017. I will then arrange to meet with you on your campus/hospital in order to discuss the events. You should have good communication skills with young people. Our website is www.mcsprojectsltd.co.uk 

Email: paul.waterworth@mcsprojectsltd.co.uk
Mobile: 07702 221938

Mentoring Programme - SMF  

The Social Mobility Foundation (SMF) is a charity that aims to make a practical improvement in social mobility for high-achieving young people from low-income backgrounds. With the help of professionals, we support more than a 1,000 young people every year, who have the ability to flourish in the top universities and professions but who lack the encouragement and networks to help them get there.  

We are looking for professionals to get involved and provide support by e-mentoring a student.  


As an e-mentor you would support a sixth former by giving them the opportunity to have a 1:1 relationship with a medical student/doctor who can communicate with them via email every two weeks.Mentors support students in a number of ways, including by increasing their understanding of their desired career and professional life. The mentoring relationship is extremely valuable in helping to guide mentees through their time on the SMF programme, their university applications and in helping them to explore their professional interests further. 


To be a mentor, you must at a minimum be in your 3rdyear/clinical years of your medical studies, as increasing your mentee’s knowledge of your sector will be the basis of the mentoring relationship. Please do watch our mentoring video to find out more. 


If you are interested in signing up please complete this short form here. For more information go to Ways to get involved at the SMF or please contact mentors@socialmobility.org.uk 

Outside Events

Franco Manka
New Medical Book

Medical and Surgical emergencies: the ABCDE Approach is a book that has recently been published, and is designed specifically for UK medical students. 

More information can be found on:

It is also available on Amazon:


PHOTO of the week