Climbing Society

Climbing Society

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    • Climbing Society Standard Membership£0.00
    • Climbing Society Subs£36.00

Welcome to St George's Climbing Society

For over a decade our society has embraced climbers of all abilities and from all types of climbing; bouldering, trad, sport and even mountaineers. Whilst bouldering (an equipment free climbing style on lower height walls) is our primary discipline, our society also harbours top-rope and lead climbers. We climb regularly at The Font in Wandsworth (our supporting climbing gym) which is only a short 15-minute walk away from halls!

Achievements and Events 2018/2019

Our society keeps on growing as more people want to get in on the climbing vibes! This year we took more climbers to the London Universities Bouldering Expo (LUBE) than ever before. Our climbing sessions are an opportunity for members to take time out of their busy shedules to get together with friends and have fun. We organise regular trips to some of the best London walls, as well as the annual outdoor overnight orienteering trip.


Come and join us!

Causal climbing sessions take place on Wednesday afternoons from 3pm onwards at the Font Wandsworth. We also climb together on some Sundays, with trips to other walls such as Substation in Brixton.”



SU Events