Individual Awards

There are many awards available to students for various different achievements. The individual student awards are:

    Gold Card
    Silver Card
    Sportsperson of the Year
    Performer of the Year
    Volunteer of the Year


Laurels are the highest award that can be given to an individual member of St. George’s Students’ Union.They are given for unsurpassed excellence in a number of areas of University life such as unfailing commitment over a significant number of years to the Union or a number of clubs and societies, and distinguished service in a particular area of student life.

This award is given only to those who have truly demonstrated the above qualities over their time at St. George’s, and requires at least two years' worth of the above qualities in multiple areas of student life. This award carries with it all the benefits of a Gold Card (see below), as well as commemoration on the Laureates Honours Board and a Citation.


Students’ Union Colours are the highest award that can be bestowed upon an individual student for outstanding commitment, contribution or excellence to one area or aspect of University life at St. George’s for a considerable period of time.  This award carries with it the right to wear the Students’ Union Colours in the form of a scarf and badge, and a Silver Card.

Gold Card

The ‘Gold Card’ is the second highest award that can be given to an individual for consistent excellence, firm commitment or contribution to more than one area of student life. It can be seen as a step below Laurels for those who have not quite made an outstanding contribution to a number of areas but have maintained the qualities outlined above for a substantial period of time.

This award carries with it the award of a Gold Card which grants the bearer free access to all Student Union events for life, with the exception of black tie events and performances/evenings organized privately by individual clubs, societies or other recognized bodies. It also carries the right to wear the Students' Union Colours.

Silver Card

The ‘Silver Card’ is the second highest award that can be given to an individual for consistently good achievement, commitment or service in one particular area that is beyond the call of duty over a period of a year or more.

This award carries with it the award of a Silver Card which grants the bearer free access to all Student Union events, with the exception of black tie events and performances/evenings organized privately by individual clubs, societies or other recognized bodies for the period of 1 year.

Sports person of the year

This honour is given for outstanding performance, commitment and contribution to a particular sport or sports at St. George’s over the sporting year by an individual. Any sports player at St. George’s is eligible for nomination.

The winner of this award will be commemorated on the Sports Person of the Year Honours Board in the SU, as well as with an inscription on the Principal's Award.

Performer of the year

This honour is given for outstanding performance, excellence and contribution to the performing arts at St. George’s over the academic year. Anyone who has participated in a performance at St. George’s over the academic year is eligible for nomination.

The winner of this award will be commemorated on the Performer of the Year Honours Board in the SU, as well as with an inscription on the Performer of the Year Award.

Volunteer of the Year

This honour is given for outstanding performance, commitment and contribution to a particular community project (s) at St. George’s over the academic year by an individual. Any student volunteer is eligible for nomination.

The winner of this award will be commemorated on the Volunteer of the Year Honours Board in the SU.

Honorary Life Membership

This award is granted only to those who are not normally eligible for automatic Life Membership under normal circumstances.  This means that normal student members are not eligible for this award as they automatically become life long associate members upon graduation. Those who are eligible include staff members in any division i.e. Lecturers, Admin Staff, Finance, Registry etc. who have been at the university for less than a period of 10 years and who have not previously been awarded Life Membership.

This award is usually given to those who have made a significant contribution to the Students’ Union or St. George’s as a whole through their work. It carries with it the right of membership to St. George’s Students’ Union for life and the privileges that come with it.