
Technical Officers - Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of the Technical Officers can be seen in the list below:

  • To produce a contract of use that shall be provided to all persons, clubs, societies and community projects when borrowing any equipment, and to assist, with the Senior Officers and the Societies Officers, the enforcement of sections 9.5 and 13.4 of the Regulation of Student Union Facilities, as summarised below:
    1. When a Technical or Societies Officer is not present at an event where equipment is used a cheque payable to SGUL will be required. The cheque (hereafter referred to as the ‘deposit’) will be held by the Student Union Vice President for Finance and Student Activities. The deposit should come from a nominated member within the society/club/CP borrowing the equipment.
    2. Only a Technical Officer or a Societies Officer is authorised to sign out equipment to the society/club nominee. The society/club nominee is responsible for the equipment until the authorised officer who signed the equipment out, or his/her nominee, signs it back in. The deposit will be held from the moment the equipment is signed out until the moment all equipment is returned and has been checked for damage. If any equipment is lost/damaged through misuse or neglect the whole deposit will be retained to cover the costs of replacements/repair.
  • To be responsible for the purchasing, logging, good maintenance and security of the Technical equipment.
  • The Technical officer(s) will take joint responsibility for the Events/Technical officer finances after close consultation with the Events Officers and the Vice-President (Finance & Student Activities).
  • To be ultimately responsible for the provision of entertainment technical support at all social functions of the Students’ Union and to provide technical support and equipment to all clubs and societies that require it, providing that they have informed the Technical Officers in writing two weeks before the event
    • If two weeks notice is not given then technical support cannot be guaranteed
  • To complete a full inventory of Technical equipment at the beginning and end of each academic year, which must be signed off by the President and Vice President for Finance and Student Activities.
  • To be responsible, in conjunction with the SU Exec and other relevant committees for the organisation of entertainment for the Summer ball, Fresher’s fortnight and RAG.
  • One officer to be a member of the Ball committees and RAG Committee.
  • To be responsible for the training of the new Technical officers for a period of no less than one term following the start of the new officers’ term.
  • To organise a pool of DJs  to assist the Technical officer(s) in setting up and putting away of equipment. The Technical officer(s) should organise a rota for DJs and may DJ themselves (but will receive no payment for being a DJ). They should also produce a rota on engagements to present to the Executive.
  • To be a member of the Events Zone.