Personal Safety

If you are used to a city environment you may not feel particularly threatened by Tooting. However, many of you may not have lived in an area like this before, so if the idea of Tooting frightens you, there are a number of things you can do in order to reduce your risk and feel safer. On the other hand if you feel invincible you may be more inclined to put yourself at risk, and so should read on anyway... The chance of becoming a victim of violent crime is low, but it does happen, even to you guys, so please take care.


TfL have recently relaunched the Cabwise Campaign. This includes new creatives and also a new app which you can download for free - simply search 'cabwise' and you can book a licenced cab in 3 easy steps. Please remember to plan your journey in advance, never travel without friends, don't assume someone is official because they are in hi-vis marshall clothes and don't put yourself in a dangerous situation just for the sake of getting home that little bit quicker.

Common sense is the order of the day...

  • NEVER walk home alone at night. This is even more important if you are drunk, as alcohol affects your judgement of people and situations.
  • Be alert and aware of what is happening around you. Don’t wear headphones as you won’t be able to hear if someone is coming up behind you. You are also more likely to be targetted.
  • Walk purposefully. If you look lost or frightened you are more likely to be attacked.
  • Buy some gloves and keep your hands out of your pockets so you are free to defend yourself!
  • Keep to busy routes where possible.
  • Keep away from dark and deserted areas where possible, especially alleyways EVEN if they are shortcuts...
  • Keep to the middle of the pavement and walk towards on-coming traffic; it deters kerb crawlers.
  • Never accept lifts from strangers, even if they say they are a taxi or mini-cab.
  • Keep jewellery out of sight, even if it is cheap, tacky and from Primark.
  • Don’t walk around talking on your mobile phone (especially at night!). It will draw attention to you, distract you, and is easy to steal.
  • Keep your cheque book and cheque card separately.
  • Keep your wallet/purse in an inside pocket, and don’t carry large amounts of cash.
  • Have your keys ready as you approach your house or car.
  • If you think you are being followed stay calm and head towards people and a welllit, busy area and ask for help.
  • Consider self defence classes to build your confidence and reduce your level of fear.
  • If you are attacked: scream, shout and run away at the first opportunity & call 999. Personal attack alarms are available to all first year students at halls so get one from security & don’t just leave it in your room... 


On public transport:

  • Where possible, know the times of your buses or trains.
  • Avoid waiting at deserted stations/stops.
  • Avoid empty compartments and sit near the guard/conductor/driver rather than alone.

At home:

  • Draw curtains at night to deter peeping toms and keep your windows and doors locked.
  • At halls always close the front doors behind you. Don’t prop them open as anyone will be able to wander in unnoticed.
  • Always question strangers attempting to enter your house before you let them in.
  • If you are pestered by obscene phone calls tell the operator and the police. Never tell strange callers you are alone.
  • Make sure your doors are locked and windows closed securely. If you ever find yourself stranded with nobody to go home with, eg after a disco, please tell a member of the Exec (on the door in the bright t-shirts at all events) who will either find you the money for a taxi or find someone to walk you home.